Related topics are listed below.
Pull List
Adding comics » Adding by NCBD » Pull List
What is a pull list? This is the list of comics you know you’re gonna buy every month. Some stores offer pull list programs where they’ll set aside the comics for you each month to ensure you never miss any issues. The Pull List tab in NCBD allows you to…
Collection vs Wish List
Browsing your comic list » Collection vs Wish List
Comic Connect can be a great help in keeping track of the comics you own or plan to buy. Using the “Collection Status” field for each of your comics you can track if a comic is in your collection, or on your wish list. Viewing Collection or Wish List…
Browsing your comic list
Browsing your comic list
List, covers or cards Choosing columns Sorting your comic list Searching Alphabet bar Using folders Collection vs Wish List Statistics
Sorting your comic list
Browsing your comic list » Sorting your comic list
Sorting changes the order in which your comics are displayed. You can sort your comics in various ways. The most basic way to do this is by clicking a column header, but you can also use the sort button and pick a field to sort on. Sorting by clicking a column…
List, cards, covers or shelves
Browsing your comic list » List, cards, covers or shelves
Comic Connect comes in 4 different views that you can set. List, Cards, Covers and Shelves To switch to a different view, click the view button on the toolbar: Try it out! List View The list view shows all your comics in a neat list. You can choose your own…
Adding by NCBD
Adding comics » Adding by NCBD
What is NCBD? NCBD stands for New Comic Book Day and this is the day our CLZ Content Team updates and adds all new releases for that week in our Core central online comic database, complete with cover art, variant descriptions and creator lists. Every week on…
Getting started for Comic Collector users
Importing / exporting » Getting started for Comic Collector users
Comic Connect is full featured and fully customizable comic database software, with a user interface that has been designed to be clean, intuitive and super easy-to-use. However, the user interface is different from the Comic Collector desktop software, so if you are…
Trade-In Offer for Comic Collector users
Importing / exporting » Trade-In Offer for Comic Collector users
Are you currently using our Comic Collector desktop software for Windows or macOS? Then please consider switching to the Comic Connect web-based software. Currently, Comic Connect is our recommended and most popular comic database solution. Full-featured but easier to…
Managing pick lists
Managing your database » Managing pick lists
With every comic you add to your collection, Comic Connect stores common information in pick lists. Examples of pick lists include Genre, Format, Location, Owner, etc. With the Manage Pick List screen you can modify all pick list items. With it you can add, edit,…
My series are not sorted correctly?
Frequently Asked Questions » My series are not sorted correctly?
If you find that your series list is not sorted correctly, that is most likely to be caused by incorrect series sort names. The easiest way to check and correct series sort names is through the Manage Pick Lists screen. To open that screen, click the menu icon top…
Exporting to a text file
Importing / exporting » Exporting to a text file
You can export your entire comic collection or just part of your collection to a TXT file. The export to text screen offers a wide variety of options to customize your exported list completely. For example, you can if you want, export only a selection of your comics…
Some series are duplicated / split up?
Frequently Asked Questions » Some series are duplicated / split up?
Sometimes you may find that some series folders have duplicated, with the issue list split up between two separate folders for the same series. This may happen when a series name was changed in our Core. Also because of old problems in the CLZ Cloud syncing system.…
Choosing columns
Browsing your comic list » Choosing columns
While in list view (with rows of comics), you also see columns. You can choose which columns you wish to see, based on which information you find most important per comic. Maybe you want to make sure you always have your Location column in view: in that case, choose…
Printing to a PDF file
Importing / exporting » Printing to a PDF file
You can download your entire comic collection or just part of your collection to a PDF file. The Print to PDF screen offers a wide variety of options to customize your PDF file completely. For example, you can if you want, export only a selection of your comics (for…
Adding comics by barcode
Adding comics » Adding comics by barcode
You can search and add comics to your collection by barcode with the Add Comics screen. Barcodes added to the queue will instantly show series title, issue number, issue extension, cover date, barcode and cover art. You can either search 1 barcode to add to your…
Editing multiple in one go
Managing your database » Editing multiple in one go
You can edit multiple comics in one go by using the Edit Multiple screen. !Edit Multiple is the only feature in CLZ Comics Web that can overwrite existing data. Use it with great care. 1. Select multiple comics To begin, you need to select the comics you want to…
Adding comics » Adding by NCBD » #1’s
“#1’s” tab: show #1 issues only, so just new series This tab filters the NCBD list down to showing only new series that are coming out in the selected week. Never miss a new series this way! Click the Add Comics button Then go to the NCBD tab…
Managing Loans
Managing your database » Managing Loans
Do you loan out comics to friends and family? If so, you can use CLZ Comics Web to keep track of those loans! Loaning a comic To loan a comic, find and click it in your list, then click the “Loan” button at the top of the page. Loaning multiple comics…
Alphabet bar
Browsing your comic list » Alphabet bar
At the top of your screen you will find the alphabet bar with 28 buttons, “All”, “0-9” for numbers and then “A” to “Z”. You can use the alphabet bar to quickly filter your comics by their first letter. Clicking a…
Multiple collections
Managing your database » Multiple collections
CLZ Comics Web allows you to have multiple sub-collections within one account. The collections will appear as little tabs at the bottom (e.g. like in Excel), so that you can easily switch between them. Create and manage collections You can create a new collection,…
Removing comic entries
Managing your database » Removing comic entries
You can remove a comic from your collection from the details page, or select multiple in one go and remove them. Removing 1 comic Click on the comic you wish to remove. Click the “Remove” button at the top. Confirm by clicking the red…
Adding comics by series title
Adding comics » Adding comics by series title
This lets you search our Core online comic database by comic series, then select and add from the search results. The smart “Search-as-you-type” system will probably find your series before you finished typing it! Click the + Add Comics button in the…
Importing a text file
Importing / exporting » Importing a text file
If you have an existing list of comics in text (.txt) or comma separated values (.csv) format, you can import it using the “Import from Text / CSV File” feature in CLZ Comics Web. If you have a different kind of program for your comic collection right…
Browsing your comic list » Searching
If you’re looking for a particular comic in your collection, your best bet is usually to use the search box. Typing a few letters in the search box will give you instant suggestions you can click – and quite often gets you to your comic fastest, but you can…
Getting Started
Getting Started
Welcome to CLZ Comics Web, a web-based tool for cataloging your comic collection. This software will help you create your own comic database with a minimum of manual data entry. Just search our “Core” online comic database, by comic series or by barcode,…